7 tips to increase your team's productivity |
Do you feel that your team is always full of work, but still can't achieve the desired results? Get to know the tips you can start using now to increase your team's productivity!We are witnessing a growing concern about issues related to mental health. These issues turn out to be almost always linked to things that happen in the workplace, since it is an aspect that occupies a large part of the lives of the active population. We also see a constant search for balance between personal and professional life, so it is imperative to continue looking for strategies that keep your team engaged and working productively. In the race to occupy a prominent place among competitors, it is very common to find companies that have their teams working more and more and producing less and less. How can you fight this? Work harder vs work betterEight hours in front of the computer rarely translates into eight hours of useful work. Why? Because working harder doesn't always mean working better. In Portugal, we have already started to see some companies opting for a four-day working week instead of five and reporting an increase in the productivity of their teams. Productivity measures the relation between efficiency and effectiveness. That is, to be productive is to rationally use time, money and tools while meeting desired goals. However, to keep your business productive, it is essential to keep people motivated! The reality is that companies are made of people and that people need to feel valued in order to work productively. Likewise, a team capable of sharing leisure time with each other is more willing to work together and will be able to achieve better results more efficiently. So, break time shouldn't be a problem, on the contrary it should be valued! It still happens that we find companies that look at breaks as an obstacle to the smooth running of a business. However, breaks are essential moments for your team members to be able to rest and resume tasks with more commitment. Bear in mind that there is no right formula for all cases and it is possible that not all the tips that we are going to suggest make sense for your business. 7 tips to increase your team's productivity:1. Praise and give feedback on the work done: Praising when work is well done is essential for the individual appreciation of your team members. Also try to ask questions about the work in progress and make suggestions for improvement. This is a way to keep abreast of what is going on and also to motivate your team. 2. Improve internal communication: Promote good communication between management and the various employees, encourage a culture of dialogue and set a day and time for exchanging ideas and monitoring objectives. 3. Set realistic goals and work with a focus on results: Overloading your team with a huge workload and unrealistic deadlines will only cause chaos and demotivate your employees. Try to define viable goals and objectives so that everyone can work with motivation. 4. Automate processes: Technology is your ally, don't be afraid to invest in tools that will make your team's tasks easier, even if they take some time to be implemented. Remember that providing employees with the right equipment is essential to increasing productivity. 5. Consider giving your team flexible hours: Admittedly, it won't be possible for every business to work at any hour. However, there are many cases where it doesn't matter what time the work is done, as long as the objectives are met. 6. Recognize the capabilities (and limitations) of each resource: Distribute tasks among your team members who are best able to carry them out and respect each other's time. Some people work better in the morning than others, for example. When assigning tasks, you should take this into account. 7. Invest in training: Providing training to your employees will not only improve their skills but also refresh knowledge and generate motivation. Remember that no team member is productive if they are not prepared.
Stay focused on your business and your goals!It is also frequent to see the focus on the business being diverted by issues inherent to any company that need to be dealt with, such as receiving mail and lease contracts, water, electricity and Internet. Have you thought about the increase in productivity you can have if you have someone to take care of these issues for you? At Imogain – Centro de Escritórios, we rent furnished rooms of various sizes (from 19 to 50m²). We are the ideal solution for launching new businesses and for the quick and easy installation of your company, in a comfortable space tailored to you. You don't need to worry, because Imogain provides you with a space with all the support services included. This way, you can work with total focus on your business and your goals, without distractions. Work in the office, but feel at home!Come and see the rooms we have available for you! Schedule a visit! |